That December Bride

bride4On our very first meeting she said “why did I need to have a winter wonderland theme or use burgundy and gold just because I was getting married in a cold-weather month? “{How I felt that very moment} Is surprise to meet such adamant and weird dictate!

I was left blank about how to go about and most importantly how to act on…That December Bride desires.

Even though this beloved season welcomes every bride to live magical moments, my bride intend it to be a chore. My emergency kit felt vacuum & dealing of wedding emotions was never so indifferent riot for me. {Thankful to her} I awake to a cosmic magic to match up to her wish-list wedding!

Looking back to those months of conflicts of interests and meet-ups, I realized what started as an awkward moment turned such deep down experience that made me sit behind and embrace in words.   

Just Saying {Often wish to} get caught –up to awkward catch than being futile. I am sharing with the readers, especially there winter bride-to-be’s the deeds below.

Color Palette: Tangerine, Placid Sky Blue and Gold.

Wedding Theme: Sunset meets Sunrise.

Aesthetics: Drapes/decor emphasis in tangerine and gold artifacts. This palette is planned for a day wedding. What excites me more is Hydrangea in placid sky. They looks so unique as wedding flower use and transforms the aura. The fresh walk to the idea conceived turned fresh. Guests/audiences left awestruck in the walk way to orange hues of sunset meets into the sky hues of sunrise. { Picture Perfect! ]

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